NAAC Coordinator
NAAC Coordinator
Joint Coordinator
Joint Coordinator
NAAC SSR Document |
SSR After DVV Clarification |
DVV Clarification |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 1.1.1. Effective Curriculum delivery | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 1.1.2. Continuous Internal Evaluation | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 1.1.3. Teachers Participation - A | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 1.1.3. Teachers Participation - B | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 1.2.1. Choice Based Credit System (CBSC) | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 1.2.2. Number of Add On/Certificate Programs | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 1.2.3. Students Enrolled in Certificate / Add On Programs - A | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 1.2.3. Students Enrolled in Certificate / Add On Programs - B | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 1.3.1. Institution Integrates Crosscutting Issues | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 1.3.2. Number of Courses Including Project Work/Field Work/Internship | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 1.3.2. Mou's With Relevant Organization | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 1.3.2. Students Projects And Internships | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | 1.3.3. Students Undertaking Project Work/ Field work/ Internships | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 1.4.1. Institutions Obtains Feedback on the Syllabus from Different Stakeholders | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 1.4.2. Feedback Collected,Analysed,Action Taken and Available on Website | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 2.1.1.No of Admited Students | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 2.1.1. No of Sanctioned Students Yearwise | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 2.1.1. Number of Students Admited Sanctioned during last five years | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | Student List 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | Student List 2019-20 | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | Student List 2018-19 | VIEW DETAIL |
7 | Student List 2017-18 | VIEW DETAIL |
8 | Student List 2016-17 | VIEW DETAIL |
9 | 2.1.2 Category Student Strength | VIEW DETAIL |
10 | 2.1.2 Category wise Student Strength (GOI) | VIEW DETAIL |
11 | 2.1.2 Students Abstract for Last Five Years | VIEW DETAIL |
12 | 2.1.2 Total Seats Earmarked for Res. Categ. | VIEW DETAIL |
13 | Student List Reservation 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
14 | Student List Reservation 2019-20 | VIEW DETAIL |
15 | Student List Reservation 2018-19 | VIEW DETAIL |
16 | Student List Reservation 2017-18 | VIEW DETAIL |
17 | Student List Reservation 2016-17 | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | Adv. and Slow Learners 20-21 - A | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | Adv. and Slow Learners 20-21 - B | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 2.2.2. Full time Teachers | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 2.2.2. Students Teachers Ratio | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | 2.2.2. Students enrolled | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | Full Time Teachers list 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
7 | Full Time Teachers list 2019-20 | VIEW DETAIL |
8 | Full Time Teachers list 2018-19 | VIEW DETAIL |
9 | Full Time Teachers list 2017-18 | VIEW DETAIL |
10 | Full Time Teachers list 2016-17 | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 2.3.1. Teaching Learning Methodology | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 2.3.2. ICT Enable Tools for Teaching | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 2.3.3. Mentor-Mentees Ratio | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 2.3.3. Students and Full time Teachers on roll | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | Mentees List 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | Mentor List 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
7 | Mentor Mentees Allotment 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 2.4.1. Full Time Teachers Against Sanctioned Post | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 2.4.1 Full Time Teachers list 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 2.4.1 Full Time Teachers list 2019-20 | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 2.4.1 Full Time Teachers list 2018-19 | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | 2.4.1 Full Time Teachers list 2017-18 | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | 2.4.1 Full Time Teachers list 2016-17 | VIEW DETAIL |
7 | Appointment Orders | VIEW DETAIL |
8 | Post Information 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
9 | Post Information 2019-20 | VIEW DETAIL |
10 | Post Information 2018-19 | VIEW DETAIL |
11 | Post Information 2017-18 | VIEW DETAIL |
12 | Post Information 2016-17 | VIEW DETAIL |
13 | 2.4.2 Full Time Teachers with Ph.D. | VIEW DETAIL |
14 | List of Full Time Teachers with Ph.D. 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
15 | List of Full Time Teachers with Ph.D. 2019-20 | VIEW DETAIL |
16 | List of Full Time Teachers with Ph.D. 2018-19 | VIEW DETAIL |
17 | List of Full Time Teachers with Ph.D. 2017-18 | VIEW DETAIL |
18 | List of Full Time Teachers with Ph.D. 2016-17 | VIEW DETAIL |
19 | Ph.D. Certificates 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
20 | Ph.D. Certificates 2019-20 | VIEW DETAIL |
21 | Ph.D. Certificates 2018-19 | VIEW DETAIL |
22 | Ph.D. Certificates 2017-18 | VIEW DETAIL |
23 | Ph.D. Certificates 2016-17 | VIEW DETAIL |
24 | 2.4.3 Teaching Experience of full time teachers | VIEW DETAIL |
25 | Full time teachers PAN Cards 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
26 | Full time teachers PAN Cards 2019-20 | VIEW DETAIL |
27 | Full time teachers PAN Cards 2018-19 | VIEW DETAIL |
28 | Full time teachers PAN Cards 2017-18 | VIEW DETAIL |
29 | Full time teachers PAN Cards 2016-17 | VIEW DETAIL |
30 | Teaching Experience of Full Time Teachers 2020-21 | VIEW DETAIL |
31 | Teaching Experience of Full Time Teachers 2019-20 | VIEW DETAIL |
32 | Teaching Experience of Full Time Teachers 2018-19 | VIEW DETAIL |
33 | Teaching Experience of Full Time Teachers 2017-18 | VIEW DETAIL |
34 | Teaching Experience of Full Time Teachers 2016-17 | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | Appointment Order of CEO | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | CAP Notice | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | Exam Timetable | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | Examination calender | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | Examination Committee List | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | Examination Committee Meetings | VIEW DETAIL |
7 | Handbook of CBCS | VIEW DETAIL |
8 | Instruction For Student | VIEW DETAIL |
9 | Re-Verification Form for Student | VIEW DETAIL |
10 | User Manual Supply of Photocopy | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 2.6.1 COs POs PSO | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 2.6.2 Attainment | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 2.6.3 Average Pass Percentage of Students during last five years. | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | Tolal result of college (Year wise) | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | Total RESULTS Final Year Students | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 3.1.1. Grants Received for Research Projects | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 3.1.2. Ph.D. Research Guides | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 3.1.3 Department-wise Research Projects | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 3.2.1. Description | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 3.2.1. Additional Information | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 3.2.2 Workshops and Seminars on I.P.R. and R.M. | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 3.3.1. Per Teacher Ph.D.Registered Students | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 3.3.2. Research Papers | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 3.3.3 Books,Chapters in Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 3.4.1. Description | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 3.4.1. Extension Activities | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 3.4.1. Additional Information | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 3.4.2. Awards and Recognitions for Extension Activities | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | 3.4.3. Extension and Outreach Programmes | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | 3.4.3. Additional Information | VIEW DETAIL |
7 | 3.4.4. Students Participation in Extension Activities | VIEW DETAIL |
8 | 3.4.4. Additional Information | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 3.5.1. Collaborative Activities for Research,Faculty and Student Exchange | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 3.5.2. Functional MOUs | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 3.5.2. Additional Information - Activities Under MOUs | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 4.1.1. Infrastructure and Physical Facilities - A | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 4.1.1. Infrastructure and Physical Facilities - B | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 4.1.2. Cultural Activities and Sports - A | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 4.1.2. Cultural Activities and Sports - B | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | 4.1.3. Class Rooms and Seminar Halls With ICT - A | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | 4.1.3. Class Rooms and Seminar Halls With ICT - B | VIEW DETAIL |
7 | 4.1.4. Expenditure for Infrastructure Augumentation | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 4.2.1. Library Automation(ILMS) - A | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 4.2.1. Library Automation(ILMS) - B | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 4.2.2. Subcription for e-Resourses - A | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 4.2.2. Subcription for e-Resourses - B | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | 4.2.3. Expenditure for Purchase of Books and Journals - A | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | 4.2.3. Expenditure for Purchase of Books and Journals - B | VIEW DETAIL |
7 | 4.2.3. Expenditure for Purchase of Books and Journals - C | VIEW DETAIL |
8 | 4.2.3 Books Expenditure | VIEW DETAIL |
9 | 4.2.4. Number per day usage of library by teachers and students - A | VIEW DETAIL |
10 | 4.2.4. Number per day usage of library by teachers and students - B | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 4.3.1. Institution frequently updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi - A | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 4.3.1. Institution frequently updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi - B | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 4.3.2. Student Computer Ratio - A | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 4.3.2. Student Computer Ratio - B | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | 4.3.3. Bandwidth of Inernet Connection | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 4.4.1. Expenditure on Maintaince of Infrastructure | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 4.4.2. Established System and Procedures for Maintaing - A | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 4.4.2. Established System and Procedures for Maintaing - B | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 5.1.1 Government Scholarship and Freeship | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 5.1.1. Self Attested Letter | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 5.1.2 Institution Scholarships | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 5.1.3 Capacity building and Skills enhancement | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | 5.1.4 Competitive Exam and Career Councelling Final | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | 5.1.5 Anti Ragging | VIEW DETAIL |
7 | 5.1.5 Grievance and Redressal | VIEW DETAIL |
8 | 5.1.5 Sexual Harrassment | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 5.2.1 Placement Of Outgoning Students | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 5.2.2.Students Progressing to Higher Education | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | Students qulifying in state, national level Examination | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | Students appearing in state, national leve examination | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 5.3.1 Awards and Medals | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 5.3.2 Institution Facilitates Students | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 5.3.3 Sports and Cultural Events | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 5.4.1 Alumni Association Documents | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 5.4.2 Alumni Report | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 6.1.1 Goverance Instititution | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 6.1.1 Vision Mission | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 6.1.2 Committee | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 6.1.2 Case Study | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 6.2.1 Perspective Plan | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 6.2.1 Plan Documents | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 6.2.2 Board of Director | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | 6.2.2 Orgonogram | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | 6.2.3 Agreement | VIEW DETAIL |
7 | 6.2.3 All Bill's | VIEW DETAIL |
8 | 6.2.3 User Screenshoot | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 6.3.1 Staff Acadamic | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 6.3.1 Staff Walefare Schem | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 6.3.2 Finanace Provied to Staff | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 6.3.3 Seminar Document | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | 6.3.3 Report of Acadamic Staff | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | 6.3.3 Staff Acadami Program | VIEW DETAIL |
7 | 6.3.4 IQAC Report | VIEW DETAIL |
8 | 6.3.4 ORS CourseCert. | VIEW DETAIL |
9 | 6.3.4 ORS List | VIEW DETAIL |
10 | 6.3.5 APAR | VIEW DETAIL |
11 | 6.3.5 Non-Teaching API | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 6.4.1 Audit Report | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 6.4.1 CERT IFICATE 1&2 | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 6.4.3 Exam Remunration | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 6.4.3 UGC & UNI Grant | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | 6.4.3 Fund Mobilisaed | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 6.5.1 Enhancement of Quality culture | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 6.5.1 Enrichment of Teaching Learning | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | 6.5.3 Additional Information | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | 6.5.3 e-Copies of MOUs | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 7.1.1 Promotion of gender equity | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 7.1.1 Annual Gender Sensitization Action Plan | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 7.1.2 Alternate Sources of Enegry Conservation | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 7.1.2 Solar Docs | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | 7.1.3 E- Waste MoU Final | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | 7.1.3 Waste Management | VIEW DETAIL |
7 | 7.1.4 Water Facilities | VIEW DETAIL |
8 | 7.1.5 Green Campus Initiatives | VIEW DETAIL |
9 | 7.1.5 Policy Document | VIEW DETAIL |
10 | 7.1.6 Audit Certificates | VIEW DETAIL |
11 | 7.1.6 Awards | VIEW DETAIL |
12 | 7.1.6 Green Audit Report | VIEW DETAIL |
13 | 7.1.7 Disable Friendly | VIEW DETAIL |
14 | 7.1.8 Inclusive Envirnment | VIEW DETAIL |
15 | 7.1.9 Sensitization to the Constitutional Obligation | VIEW DETAIL |
17 | 7.1.11 Commomerative Days Final | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 7.2 Covid Care Centre-Supportive Documents | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 7.2 Covid Registration By Health Department | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 7.2 Practice-2 MMBABUSVSS- Supporting Document | VIEW DETAIL |
Sr. No. | Metrics | Document |
1 | 7.3 Institutional Distincttiveness | VIEW DETAIL |
2 | 7.3 Index_Heritage Preservation and Conversation Abstract | VIEW DETAIL |
3 | 7.3 Heritage Preservation and Conservation Supporting Documents | VIEW DETAIL |
4 | 7.3 A-A Fort Bahadurgad Development 1 | VIEW DETAIL |
5 | 7.3 A-A Fort Bahadurgad Development 2 | VIEW DETAIL |
6 | 7.3 B-Mahadaji Shinde Smarak Shrigonda | VIEW DETAIL |
7 | 7.3 C-Delhi Gate Shrigonda | VIEW DETAIL |
8 | 7.3 D-Hutatma Stambh Shrigonda | VIEW DETAIL |
9 | 7.3 E-Sant Godhad Maharaj Math | VIEW DETAIL |
10 | 7.3 F-Historical Shrigonda City | VIEW DETAIL |
11 | 7.3 G-Shrigonda Taluka Monuments | VIEW DETAIL |
12 | 7.3 H-Distirct Ahmednagar Monuments Preservation | VIEW DETAIL |
13 | 7.3 I-Maharashtra State Monuments Preservation | VIEW DETAIL |